Sunday, April 20, 2008

Barley, Ginkgo and Bean Curd Dessert

Barley, ginkgo and bean curd dessert soup is a favourite in my family. It can be drank hot or cold and is cooling for the body system especially after eating lots of fried stuff. Back home in Malaysia, my mum would make my brother and I crack the shells of the ginkgo nut, remove the outer skin layer and bitter centre core. We did not mind it one bit as we love ginkgo nuts.

However when I boiled the dessert today, I used pre-packed ready peeled ginkgo nuts. It was so much easier and quicker. All I had to do was remove the centre core.

Here is a picture of my 'tong sui'. I usually put in the bean curd at the last minute so that it'll be intact and in bite size pieces. I decided to do a different style today by letting it boil longer and disintegrate into tiny flakes.

1 comment:

sleepiekoala said...

mmmmmmmm.....i lurveeeeeeeeee ginkgo and foochook ..can i have some?