Guess what? I'm babysitting my friend's puppy Willow for the weekend! Isn't she gorgeous? :) She's a lovely 6 month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Very cuddly, gentle, affectionate, curious, entertaining, playful and smart. She loves sitting on my lap, licking my face and jumping into bed. She's got such lovely eyes and likes staring at me with her big round eyes. She knows how to signal to us that she needs to go out into the garden for a poo or wee. As much as I sound like a doting mum, she adores Keith. She follows him everywhere! Guess she knows who cooks and feeds her :P We went to the pet shop and bought her some toys and snacks.
I've taken a photo of the dinner Keith prepared her tonight. She wouldn't let her bone go and chewed on it for at least 2 hours. Must be tired out from it as she's happily sleeping on my lap as I type.

She doesn't like drinking water and her water bowl goes untouched. Is this normal? She'll take a few licks when I cup what little water there is into my palm. That's the only way she'll drink. Can't get her owner for advise as she's in a remote part of Australia with no phone reception.
shoooooooottttttttt....the dog eats better than me!!!!!!! very humiliating!!!! :Pp
mayb the owner has been using a dog water bottle...u know those tt u can hang upside down beside the cage...i used to use a rabbit water bottle for my dog...anyway, they both work the same...
hehehe.. it's not that big.. smaller than palm size.. the photo just makes the bowl and meat look huge.
hmm.. maybe..she likes drinking milk so i give her more milk and add a bit of water to it. but eversince i posted i've seen her drink water from her bowl 3 times so all's good :)
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