Saturday afternoon 27.10.2007, Keith and I went to AIX Cafe Creperie Salon for lunch. Being a small crammed cafe, we had to share a table with a family of three. They turned out to be Malaysians, so we chatted with them. Coincidentally, the couple's daughter is a 5th year medical student so Keith advised her, "Change course, don't do medicine!" Surprisingly her mum seconded Keith. Anyway, back to the crepes, I ordered smoked salmon while Keith had field mushrooms. They were quite good except that I wish we had ordered dessert crepes instead. Looked more tempting.
After lunch, I proceeded to get my makeover done at the Lancome counter. Was given a free makeover session after purchasing their skin care products. Felt a bit uncomfortable as it was my first time getting make up done in public with passer-bys to see. Wasn't too happy with the end product as the make up was so full-on. Not used to seeing my eyes so darkly coloured, and lips so red. Felt like I was a totally different person and in a theatrical play. Anyway here's the end product of my fateful makeover. Will it put me off or spur me on?

aiyaaa... I think I can do better make up for u!!!! the angmohs dunno any suitable makeup for Asians!! btw, I could oso trim ur brows!!
not bad huh??? hehe
*whistle whistle** wasn't an angmoh.. it was a vietnamese girl. but she may have been "angmoh-tise" liao since she's going out with an angmoh and speaks like one too.
btw, did I tell u ur borbor looks huge in the photos? wahahahaha...
mana ada? just the angle of the photo. it's bigger since uni days as i've grown fatter :P but still not as big as yours hehehehe :)
they are bigger bc they get free massage daily....hahhahah....*run**
and look at the pose...just like a contestant in a beauty pagent, with the hand on the hip....gorgeous...and delicious....yummmmmmmmm....*grin**
If I have a potrait like this hanging in my house, I will call it Pink Lollipop...ehehhehhehe...:Pp
i was going to kick you for saying they get free massage daily :P but then since you covered your arse by giving sweet compliments in your later post i'll withdraw the kick..
keith is the one that made me pose like dat lar... you want pink lollipop portrait i can get him to take photos of you too. come visit us in melbourne :) not just you who would get free portrait, but your whole cutesy family too :) how does that sound? tempting enough?
hey! y doesn't the offer being extended to me? not fair not fair! *pout*
dun wanna friend u liao!
of course the offer is open to you too katkat! :) thought u might not be interested since you got so many "hot" portrait photos liao. but sure.. keith definitely won't mind taking portrait pics of you too :) u know.. whoever visits us will get their photos taken automatically hhehhee.
when are you going to brisbane and perth again? why dont you come visit. but do not come between 9th to 18th nov cos that's when keith's parents, sister and her hubby will be visiting.
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