Thursday night, August 23rd, I was invited to Sania's 21st birthday party. I know Sania from work and she's one of my closer friends in Australia. We click cos she's only just been in Geelong for 2 years or so having migrated from India with her family.
It's been a loooooooong time since I've been to a 21st. I can barely remember mine, forgivable I guess since it's more than a decade! I'm getting olddd *sniff*sniff*
*Think*Ponder*Think* If I'm not mistaken I had dinner at Hillarys Harbour with Kat Kat, Jo and Hung for my 21st. We then went to a karaoke in Perth where the rest of my friends turned up. Kat Kat ordered various shooters that contained banana midori for me to skull. There were about six in total I think. I'm not sure how I survived that night, I must have because we made it to Excapade after that for some clubbing. I still have photos stashed away in Malacca, at my parents place. Hmmm..... nice sweet's all coming back to me now. Nice to have shared it with you Kat Kat, Jo and the rest *hugs* :) Wish you were there too SleepieKoala!
Anyway, here's some photos of the birthday girl and me.